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Posted on September 26, 2018

Campus Master Plan - Ideas Fair


Please join us for the launch of VCC’s Campus Master Plan process.

What’s happening?

VCC is embarking upon an exciting process of creating a Campus Master Plan. We want to hear from you about your aspirations and priorities for the future of the campuses. Neighbours, community and industry partners, students and VCC employees are all welcome.

The Campus Master Plan process kicks off with a drop-in Ideas Fair planned for the Broadway campus (Building B event space) on Oct. 9 and Downtown campus (atrium) on Oct. 10. The sessions run from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. We will be providing information about the project, presenting our background research to date, and asking for your input. Spend a few minutes to take part in either of these events, one the first of several opportunities throughout the process to provide your feedback.

What is a Campus Master Plan?

The plan will create a framework to guide decision making about the development of VCC’s facilities and infrastructure during the next 20-30 years. DIALOG, a Canadian design and architectural firm, was awarded the master plan contract during the summer and will lead the 18-month project.

The master planning process will specifically identify, clarify, and shape the long-term vision for VCC’s Broadway and Downtown campuses. The intention of the plan is to address how things such as technology, retail integrations, and employer linkages impact the campuses and programs, while staying true to VCC’s unique identity and history.

“It is critical that the college charts a bold path to ensure it continues to remain sustainable and relevant in the future,” says VCC President and CEO Peter Nunoda.

“The VCC Campus Master Plan marks an exciting new beginning, where everyone will have a unique opportunity to become involved in shaping the future of VCC’s campuses. Starting in the fall, our staff, students, neighbours, community groups, industry partners, and the provincial government, will be asked to participate in a variety of ways.”

Join us and share your ideas for the future of VCC

Broadway campus
Tuesday, Oct. 9, 11 am. – 2 p.m.
Event Space, building B

Downtown campus
Wednesday, Oct. 10, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.