Program Advisory Committee Procedures

Procedures Number: 404
Procedures Effective Date: February 24, 2016
Approval Body: Board EdCo Advice
Sponsor: VP Academic


Program Areas

  1. It is expected that most “programs” will have a Program Advisory Committee (PAC).

  2. The Dean in consultation with the Department can put forward a recommendation to the Vice President, Academic & Research to consider a cluster of programs in order to manage internal resources and PAC member availability effectively.

Identification of Members

  1. PAC composition will be decided by the Dean and Department taking into consideration size of the program and possibility of clustering like program areas.

  2. Potential members are identified through consultation with a variety of groups. Members appointed will represent a broad and balanced range of constituencies served by the program, such as the employment community, current practitioners, alumni who have worked in the industry for several years, professionals in regulatory bodies, and possibly a student currently enrolled in the program. Names of potential members should be forwarded to the Dean of the relevant program(s).

  3. Deans will, within a reasonable time period, make an initial, formal contact with each nominee to solicit their interest and agreement to let their name stand prior to submitting their recommendation to the Vice President, Academic & Research.

Appointment of Members

  1. A PAC New Member Appointment Form must be completed and signed by the Dean, in consultation with the Department Leader/Program Head, and be accompanied by a brief background of the candidate. The form will be forwarded to the Vice President, Academic & Research who will send an official letter of appointment to the new PAC member.

  2. Where possible, appointments are made for a three year period, which may be renewed for a second term. Terms should be staggered whenever possible to provide continuity. Appointments extending beyond 2 terms (6 years) will be considered by the Vice President, Academic & Research based on their individual merits.

  3. The Vice President, Academic & Research office will maintain a master list of PACs including membership, affiliation, and term of office.

Terms of Reference (Committee and Chair)

  1. Program Advisory Committees provide strategic advice to the program(s) they represent in several important ways:

    1. Provide advice to the program(s) for which they have been appointed including the following:

      1. Ensuring a flow of well-trained and educated graduates into the community

      2. Standards for programs and services

      3. The knowledge base and competencies expected of program graduates including new technological advances

      4. Requirements for work experience, co-operative or other types of experiential learning

      5. Trends in the requirements of the sector including knowledge and practical skills

      6. Emerging labour market trends

      7. Ways to raise public awareness of the program and ways in which the program and its graduates can enhance their impact on the sector

    2. Act as community ambassadors for the College and the programs they represent by promoting interest in the College and raising the profile of its programs and services

  1. The PAC Chair is elected from among the appointed members of the PAC and will normally serve for a period of two years. The Chair will perform the following functions:

    1. Chair the meetings and ensure that meetings are conducted in an orderly and business-like fashion (refer to Appendix F – suggested role of chair);

    2. Ensure that the PAC evaluates its own performance at least once every two years. A suggested PAC performance evaluation template is provided in Appendix D.

    3. Represent the PAC in presentations to the Board.

  2. PAC members who exhibit a pattern of lack of attendance or lack of contribution to PAC deliberations may be replaced by another candidate. Removal of a PAC member will be initiated by the Vice President, Academic & Research.

  3. The Dean in consultation with the Department Leader and Chair of the PAC, will perform the following functions:

    1. Ensure PAC meeting is scheduled at least once each year, agendas are prepared, notice of meetings are served and agenda material is distributed;

    2. Ensure that minutes are prepared and distributed promptly and that action items are followed up;

Conduct of Meetings

  1. Each PAC will meet a minimum once a year with the option for additional meeting when the need arises.

  2. A notice of meeting and agenda will be distributed to PAC members at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting.

  3. The Chair will preside over all meetings; in their absence, an acting chair will be identified by PAC members.

  4. A quorum will consist of 50% of appointed members.

  5. In the event of a dispute about the conduct of the meeting, Roberts' Rules of Order will take precedence.

  6. Refreshments funded out of the Dean's budget will be provided at PAC meetings. A light meal may be provided if the meeting is scheduled during meal time hours.

Role of College Employees

  1. College employees cannot be members of the PAC and do not have a vote, but attend PAC meetings as a resource.

  2. The Dean of the relevant program(s) is expected to provide support and assistance to the PACs as follows:

    1. Identify potential PAC members

    2. Orient newly-appointed members (see orientation package)

    3. Liaise with the PAC Chair to identify issues, develop agendas

    4. Ensure administrative support is provided to call meetings, circulate agendas and related materials, arrange for presentations, ensure that minutes are taken

    5. Prepare reports and presentations that address agenda items

    6. Provide updates regarding major College strategies and issues as well as issues that may impact on the program and its students and graduates

    7. Identify ways to recognize PAC members and their contribution to the program and College

    8. Ensure that PAC members are informed about the disposition of issues raised within PAC meetings.

  3. Department Leaders in consultation with the department will identify potential members to the Dean; communicate information arising from PAC meetings to the department; work the PAC Chair and Dean on action items.

  4. Department Leaders in consultation with the department and dean will prepare a summary of the PAC meetings as part of the Annual Program Review process identified in the College's Program Review and Renewal Policy 403. The summary should include PAC advice on program development, review and effectiveness; changes/trends in business and industry affecting programs, students and graduates; technical implications of changes /trends; employment prospects, other.

Board and College Liaison and Communication

  1. The Board may arrange a meeting periodically, between the Board and PAC Chairs to solicit feedback on sector issues and to share information about developments at the College.

  2. In order to engage PAC members with the College, PAC members will be provided with regular updates on events and developments at the College; PAC members may also be invited to participate in select College events.

  3. The College will develop various ways to provide recognition of PAC member contributions to the College; for example, a College pin identifying their role.

  4. The Vice President, Academic & Research will prepare on an annual basis a summary report regarding the activities of the College's PACs with particular reference to any substantive issues raised, recommendations arising from such discussions and action items arising from recommendations for the President, the Board and Education Council.


  1. Parking costs will be reimbursed upon presentation of PAC member receipts to the Dean of the program area.


  1. Following appendices are attached to these procedures:

Appendix A: Welcome Guide

Appendix B: One page overview

Appendix C: New PAC Member Appointment Form

Appendix D: PAC performance evaluation

Appendix E: Sample PAC Annual Report

Appendix F: Suggested Role of the PAC Chair       

See related policy 404
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