Program Advisory Committee Policy

Policy Number: 404
Policy Effective Date: February 24, 2016
Approval Body: Board EdCo Advice
Sponsor: VP Academic

Context and Purpose

One of the cornerstones of the educational programs of Vancouver Community College (VCC) is a strong connection to the employment and community sector each program serves. Program Advisory Committees (PACs) provide that connection.

PACs are constituted to provide strategic advice and assistance to a VCC program or group of programs. They provide guidance on overall trends that may affect the curriculum and employability of VCC graduates. This could include an understanding of the skills and abilities employers and community are likely to require in the future, the potential effects of technological change, changes to methodologies used by employers, and advocacy on issues affecting the College and its mandate, etc.

Each PAC will submit an annual report to the Vice President, Academic & Research, which summarizes the activities and recommendations of the PAC. The Vice President will prepare a summary report for the President, the Board of Governors and Education Council.

Scope and Limits

This Policy, and related Procedures, applies to any course of studies that leads to a VCC credential, or an area of study for which a program advisory committee is deemed by the College to be appropriate.


  1. The mandate of the College (VCC) is to respond to the needs of the communities and relevant parties it serves; as such, VCC values the strategic input and advice of community members and other relevant parties who have an interest in the College's programs and graduates.

  2. Program Advisory Committees (PACs) will normally be composed of members of the respective industry who will assist the College in identifying the need for various educational and training programs and maintaining the relevancy and currency of these programs.

  3. The focus of PACs will be on strategic issues that inform matters of enrolment, program development, program content and standards, student success, employment of graduates and other, related matters. PAC's will also provide formal input into the Program Renewal process to guide the College in areas of employment opportunities for graduates and modifications to program content/delivery to meet future requirements in the workplace.

  4. A PAC's advice will normally advance through the appropriate co-governing bodies within legislated requirements of the College & Institute Act. In addition, the Vice President, Academic & Research will prepare a summative report on an annual basis for the President, Board of Governors and Education Council.


A defined set of courses of instruction leading to a credential.

Related Resources


VCC Policies

  • [Policy C.3.2]

Other Resources

See related procedures 404
Generated at: 10:28 pm on Aug. 31, 2024