Requirements for Student Attendance and Participation Policy

Policy Number: 326
Policy Effective Date: June 13, 2017
Approval Body: Education Council
Sponsor: VP Academic

Context and Purpose

This Policy and its related Procedures addresses expectations about attendance, timeliness, participation and other, similar requirements at Vancouver Community College (VCC; the College). This Policy acknowledges the broad range of requirements that may be appropriate for different subject areas and different learning methodologies.

Departments may establish explicit requirements around attendance, timeliness, participation and other, similar requirements.  These explicit requirements must be reflected in all approved Program Content Guide, Course Outline, and/or Departmental Manuals.  External educational experiences such as work experience or internships sponsored by agencies and/or accreditation bodies may have additional requirements related to attendance, timeliness and participation.

Scope and Limits

This Policy and its related Procedures applies to students while they are enrolled in a course or program, or involved in other educational activities such as work experience or internships. This policy also applies to applicants in the process of meeting program entrance requirements, such as interviews, auditions, observation experiences, work experiences, and assessments.  


  1. To achieve success, applicants and students must meet certain requirements which may include timeliness, participation in theory and practice, hands-on manipulation of equipment, laboratory simulations and practical applications.

  2. Failure to meet these requirements may result in a student failing a course or receiving a lower grade.


Excused absences
Absences reported in advance of the absence, wherever possible, or that suitable documentation be provided to support the absence. All other absences will be reported as unexcused absences.
Refers to active involvement in all scheduled activities which can include participation in discussions, participation in group work, hands-on manipulation of equipment, laboratory simulations and practical applications, submission of assignments and, online or distributed learning activities.
Refers to arriving on time for educational activities returning in a timely manner from breaks.

Related Resources

VCC Policies

See related procedures 326
Generated at: 5:33 pm on Aug. 31, 2024