Requirements for Student Attendance and Participation Procedures

Procedures Number: 326
Procedures Effective Date: June 13, 2017
Approval Body: Education Council
Sponsor: VP Academic


Where departments choose to adopt student attendance, timeliness and participation requirements, the following shall apply:

  1. The  departmental requirement will be included in the Program Content Guide, Course Outline and/or Department Manuals:

  1. A description of the attendance, timeliness, participation and other requirements, including a definition of excused absences as it relates to the program or department

  2. A rationale for the requirements

  3. Consequences for the student of not following the requirements

  1. Instructors will comply with the requirements established by their department.

  2. Please refer to the Grading, Progression and Withdrawal Policy 411 for details on procedures requiring a student to withdraw. Instructors are only permitted to require a student to withdraw from a course for failure to meet non-educational standards. Non-educational standards can include safety concerns and/or inability to meet professional practice standards due to a failure to meet attendance requirements.

  3. Students who wish to appeal a decision under this policy that affects their final grade may appeal their grade through the Appeal of Final Grade Policy 322.

  4. Departments will ensure VCC applicants and students enrolled in external educational activities such as work experience or internships sponsored by agencies and/or accreditation bodies will observe the attendance, timeliness and participation requirements established by these external bodies.

See related policy 326
Generated at: 9:36 pm on Jan. 14, 2025