Where departments choose to adopt student attendance, timeliness and participation requirements, the following shall apply:
- The departmental requirement will be included in the Program Content Guide, Course Outline and/or Department Manuals:
- A description of the attendance, timeliness, participation and other requirements, including a definition of excused absences as it relates to the program or department
- A rationale for the requirements
- Consequences for the student of not following the requirements
- Instructors will comply with the requirements established by their department.
- Please refer to the Grading, Progression and Withdrawal Policy 411 for details on procedures requiring a student to withdraw. Instructors are only permitted to require a student to withdraw from a course for failure to meet non-educational standards. Non-educational standards can include safety concerns and/or inability to meet professional practice standards due to a failure to meet attendance requirements.
- Students who wish to appeal a decision under this policy that affects their final grade may appeal their grade through the Appeal of Final Grade Policy 322.
- Departments will ensure VCC applicants and students enrolled in external educational activities such as work experience or internships sponsored by agencies and/or accreditation bodies will observe the attendance, timeliness and participation requirements established by these external bodies.