CULI 2511: Modern Cuisine
Culinary Arts (Blended)
Hospitality, Food Studies and Applied Business
This course introduces students to a variety of culinary techniques and processes that combine theoretical principles with chemistry and modern technology. Ingredients are prepared using new or adapted methodologies and equipment for molecular gastronomy. Students apply these skills by producing and serving these items in a restaurant setting and, compare traditional to modern production methods. Emphasis is placed on time management, communication and teamwork skills.
Year of study
2nd Year Post-secondary
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Apply effective time management, communication, teamwork, and math skills needed to cook and serve food in a modern restaurant
- Apply industry standards and procedures essential for food and kitchen safety
- Apply procedures essential for handling specialized equipment
- Identify, describe and apply scientific methods in exploration of tastes and textures
- Apply principles, advanced skills, and modern techniques to fermentation
- Apply theoretical principles, advanced skills, and modern techniques to molecular cuisine production
- Identify and describe the differences in the results when using traditional versus modern production methods
- Assess a variety of gastronomy products for consistency and quality standards
Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR)
Lecture, Online, Seminar, Tutorial: 50
Clinical, Lab, Rehearsal, Shop, Kitchen, Simulation, Studio: 150
Total Hours: 200
Instructional Strategies
lectures, demonstration, hands-on practice, group work, kitchen activities, projects and independent study
Grading System
Evaluation Plan
Assessment activity
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
Multiple Choice Exam-Final
Course topics
- 1. Orientation to Course Information
2. Professional Practice
3. Health And Safety Principles
4. Equipment Use and Maintenance
5. Food Reactions
6. Cooking under Pressure
7. Compression
8. Restaurant Service
- Course contents and descriptions, offerings and schedules are subject to change without notice.
- Students are required to follow all College policies including ones that govern their educational experience at VCC. Policies are available on the VCC website at:
- To find out if there are existing transfer agreements for this course, visit the BC Transfer Guide at