OADM 1452: Corporate Law
Effective date
January 2016
Legal Administrative Assistant
Hospitality, Food Studies and Applied Business
This course covers different business structures, corporations, incorporation procedures, postincorporation procedures, annual maintenance, and dissolution procedures. Students prepare documents acceptable for electronic filing with the Registrar of Companies and handle files as a corporate legal administrative assistant, including preparation of correspondence, share certificates, and registers. Vocabulary and transcription are included.
This course is part of the full-time Legal Administrative Assistant Program.
Year of study
1st Year Post-secondary
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- communicate effectively, using the language, theory and precedents appropriate to corporate law
- analyze and solve corporate law issues independently and collaboratively
- identify the types of business structures in British Columbia and the advantages and disadvantages of each
- create accurate correspondence and documents relating to the requirements and process of incorporation, and maintenance of a partnership and a non-reporting company pursuant to the Business Corporations Act.
Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR)
Lecture, Online, Seminar, Tutorial: 25
Clinical, Lab, Rehearsal, Shop, Kitchen, Simulation, Studio: 50
Total Hours: 75
Instructional Strategies
This course emphasizes practical skills training, including keyboarding and transcription. Students will work individually and in groups in a computer lab. Theory is presented in lectures, videos, and demonstrations. Both practical and theoretical knowledge may be supported with field trips to Law Courts and law offices. Attendance is mandatory: 3 or more absences may result in withdrawal from the program.
Grading System
Letter Grade (A-F)
Evaluation Plan
Assessment activity
Transcription - assignments 5%, test 10%
Theory quiz 1
Theory quiz 2
Final Exam
Practical examination
Course topics
- The business client
- The corporate client
- Maintaining corporate records and record book
- Record keeping - Directors
- Annual requirements for companies
- Record keeping - Shareholders
- Recording decisions using minutes and making mid-year decisions
- Incorporating a company - before the application, the application itself, and after the application
- Course contents and descriptions, offerings and schedules are subject to change without notice.
- Students are required to follow all College policies including ones that govern their educational experience at VCC. Policies are available on the VCC website at:
- To find out if there are existing transfer agreements for this course, visit the BC Transfer Guide at https://www.bctransferguide.ca.