DENT 1100: Dental Technology Foundations
Effective date
September 2021
Students will learn the foundational knowledge, laboratory skills and techniques required to support the design and fabrication of single fixed restorations, removable partial and complete dentures, and simple fixed and removable orthodontic appliances.
Year of study
1st Year Post-secondary
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Describe the indications, limitations and contra-indications of fixed and removable prosthetics and orthodontic appliances.
- Identify the components of simple fixed and removable prosthetics and orthodontic appliances.
- Identify dental laboratory procedures, physics and chemistry principles, associated with the fabrication of oral appliances and dental restorations.
- Choose the appropriate dental materials associated with fabricating appliances and dental restorations regarding their appropriate applications.
- Safely operate equipment and special instrumentation associated with the fabrication of simple oral appliances and dental restorations.
- Explain the fundamental elements of dental anatomy, dental physiology, and dental morphology, relevant to dental technology practice.
- Practice to current workplace health and safety standards including dental laboratory asepsis, and infection control.
- Perform basic level techniques and skills to design and fabricate simple prosthetics and orthodontic appliances.
Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR)
Lecture, Online, Seminar, Tutorial: 60
Clinical, Lab, Rehearsal, Shop, Kitchen, Simulation, Studio: 240
Total Hours: 300
Instructional Strategies
Lectures, seminars, case study analysis, demonstrations, project work and laboratory practical experience.
Grading System
Letter Grade (A-F)
Passing grade
C+ (64%) and (S) Satisfactory Grade in Lab Work
Evaluation Plan
Assessment activity
Written exam-multiple choice, T/F, short & long answer
Written exam-multiple choice, T/F, short & long answer
Final Exam
Summative Practical Exam
• Complete Dentures: 10 %
• Partial Dentures: 10%
Final Exam
Summative Practical Exam
Fixed Dental Prosthetics: 20%
Final Exam
Summative Practical Exam
Orthodontic Appliances: 20%
Lab Work
S: Satisfactory or U: Unsatisfactory
Practical Projects: Grades will be Satisfactory (S) or Unsatisfactory (U) utilizing marking criterion/
Course topics
- Introduction to the design and fabrication of: Removable Complete Dentures, Removable Partial Dentures, Fixed Prosthetics, Orthodontics
- Application of principles and concepts relating to the design and fabrication of Removable Complete Dentures, Removable Partial Dentures, Fixed Prosthetics, Orthodontics
Learning resources
Resources are items in addition to tuition that the student is responsible for purchasing. Course resource information will be supplied by the department/instructor.
- Course contents and descriptions, offerings and schedules are subject to change without notice.
- Students are required to follow all College policies including ones that govern their educational experience at VCC. Policies are available on the VCC website at:
- To find out if there are existing transfer agreements for this course, visit the BC Transfer Guide at