ENGL 0991: English 12 Part 2
CF - Humanities
This course introduces students to classic and modern plays and/or films. Students also read a variety of Canadian/non-Canadian, classic and modern novels. Through these works, students learn about genres, codes and conventions, tone and irony. Students learn how to write, research, and edit essays and paragraphs. Students also develop presentation and critical thinking skills.
Both ENGL 0981 and ENGL 0991 are required for completion of ABE Provincial level English (Literature)
Year of study
Grade 12 Equivalency
Composition 11, or ENGL 0981, or equivalent; or department approval.
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Students will meet the learning outcomes for ABE Provincial level English (Literature) as stated in the most recent ABE Articulation Handbook: https://www.bctransferguide.ca/transfer-options/adult-basic-education/
Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR)
Lecture, Online, Seminar, Tutorial: 96
Practicum, Self-Paced, Individual Learning: 96
Total Hours: 96
Instructional Strategies
Option 1: Self-paced - one-to-one individualized instruction
Option 2: Class-based - lecture and small group workshops
Grading System
Letter Grade (A-F)
Evaluation Plan
Assessment activity
Self-Paced: Film/Drama (4 assignments and an oral presentation)
Self-Paced: Novel (3 assignments and 1 research essay)
Class-Based: Tests 30%, Essay writing 35%, Final exam 15%, Presentation 15%, Participation 5%
Course topics
- 1. Film/Drama
- - Genres
- - Tone, irony, conventions
- - Oral presentations
- - Media Literacy
- 2. Novel
- - Genres
- - Literary terms (character, conflict, setting, imagery)
- - Research essay
- Course contents and descriptions, offerings and schedules are subject to change without notice.
- Students are required to follow all College policies including ones that govern their educational experience at VCC. Policies are available on the VCC website at:
- To find out if there are existing transfer agreements for this course, visit the BC Transfer Guide at https://www.bctransferguide.ca.