Get Support
Vancouver Community College has a variety of free student services to enhance your on-campus experience, and assist you with personal and academic challenges.

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash
Reach out to:
- Advising Services Assistance with academic planning, course selection, assessment options and meeting educational requirements for your career training at VCC or other elsewhere.
- Phone: 604.871.7500
- Email:
- Arbiter of Student Issues Assistance with disputes or complaints arising at VCC and relative to VCC policies. The Arbiter is a neutral and impartial party with the ability to hear complaints, investigate and outline informal and formal dispute resolution mechanisms to resolve disputes.
- Phone: 604.871.7040
- Email:
- Counselling Services The VCC Counselling department is here to help. To make a free and confidential appointment to talk with a VCC counsellor:
- Call 604-871-7000, option 2
If your appointment request is urgent, please call the reception line during business hours and let them know.
More information is available from the VCC counselling website.
- Disability Services Assists students with known or potential disabilities who are experiencing barriers to learning. Disability Services provides academic accommodations, accessible course materials, assistance with disability-related funding and other supports.
- Phone: 604.871.7500
- Email:
- Indigenous Education and Community Engagement Provides Indigenous students with culturally sensitive advising and education planning; assistance with funding and program applications; connection to community resources or Elder support. Both Broadway and Downtown VCC campuses have beautiful Indigenous Gathering Places featuring computers, resource textbooks, lounge, study and kitchen areas.
- Phone: 604.871.7000, option 5
- Email:
- International Education Assists international students with questions about study permits, work permits, co-op permits, post-graduate permits, health care plans, etc.
- Phone:604.443.8600
- Email:
Learning Centre Provides free professoinal tutoring, academic coaching, workshops and learning resources to help students with course content and study strategies in academic writing, business, English as an additional language, health sciences, math and sciences.
- Make a tutoring appointment with a tutor on WCOnline. Tutoring is available in-person (face-to-face) at each campus and online for fall 2021.
- Make an academic coaching appointment to improve your learning strategies on WCOnline.
- Get online writing help through WriteAway for any English 12 and university level course with writing assignments. Submit your assignment.
- Library Assists students in finding information, conducting research, writing references, and provides basic technology support.
- AskAway Ask a question and receive real-time help
- Email:
- Prayer space and lactation rooms - please contact VCC’s security desk for access
- Broadway Campus:
Prayer room – room 2755, building A
Lactation room – room 2214, building B - Downtown Campus:
Prayer room – room 101I
Lactation room – room 515
- Broadway Campus:
- Students Union of VCC Connects individuals with the student community and assists with access to services such as the student discount program, yoga classes, and student advocate.
- Email:
- Follow @suvcc on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
- Download the SUVCC app on the app store or play store
Staying Safe on Campus
VCC's sexual violence and misconduct policy and reporting options
VCC provides an online support tool for survivors of sexual violence and misconduct. As well, VCC's collaboration with REES (Respect, Educate, Empower Survivors) has produced a platform that is compliant with the needs of campuses across Canada. It was created through consultation with stakeholders, including administration and sexual violence experts from post-secondary institutions. REES can be accessed online anywhere, anytime. Go to and select VCC from the drop-down list. - Safewalk program
As the days get shorter during the colder months, it's important to stay safe on campus and the surrounding area. If you ever feel unsafe walking to your car or the SkyTrain station at night, know that there is a Safewalk program you can use with security services, located on level 2 in building B at Broadway and the atrium at the Downtown campus.