Academic Integrity Procedures

Procedures Number: 325
Procedures Effective Date: April 13, 2021
Approval Body: Education Council
Sponsor: VP Academic



  1. Students, faculty, staff, and administrators are encouraged to seek advice about this policy and/or its procedures from VCC employees such as the Arbiter of Student Issues; and/or from the Students' Union of Vancouver Community College (SUVCC) Student Advocate; or the Office of Student Conduct & Judicial Affairs.

  2. Responses to academic misconduct follow the progressive consequences outlined below, except when severe academic misconduct or multiple instances warrant proceeding to a higher step. Instructors may consult with their Department Head (or designate) or the Student Conduct and Judicial Affairs Officer (Conduct Officer) for clarification and dialogue regarding the best course of action.

  3. VCC encourages the informal resolution of student academic misconduct situations where appropriate, and believes that, in most cases, early discussion and education is the most effective way to resolve academic misconduct and to prevent the escalation of concerns.

First and Second Minor Offence

  1. If an incident of academic misconduct is suspected, and when informal resolution is not appropriate, the Instructor and Department Head (or designate) review the matter to determine whether or not to pursue the allegation of academic misconduct. The Instructor informs the student that academic misconduct is alleged and a formal decision is being pursued.

  2. If the determination is no, the matter is dropped and no further action is taken.

  3. If the determination is yes, the Instructor and Department Head  (or designate) establish if:

    1. there are other previously reported incidents of academic misconduct for the student, and/or

    2. the misconduct is considered a serious offence.

  4. If no more than one previous incident has been reported and the matter is not serious, the Instructor provides a Written Notice to the student that includes:

    1. Details of the allegation

    2. Remedial steps, which may include:

      1. that the student engage in educational activities regarding VCC's expectations for Academic Integrity

      2. the Academic Work be resubmitted, or the exam taken again

      3. a reduced grade or a grade of “0” for the test/assignment

  5. A copy of the Written Notice is stored in the student's Academic Conduct file and remains on file in accordance with Records Management Policy 520.

Significant or Repeat Offences

  1. If the alleged misconduct is a third or serious offence, the Department Head (or designate) forwards the matter to the Dean, who, in consultation with the Vice President, Academic & Research, and the Conduct Officer, reviews the details of the event and recommends a course of action that is appropriate to the facts and events.

  2. During the review, the Dean may request written submissions or meetings with the parties involved or any witnesses, to gather facts and statements relevant to the incident, and to assist with making a decision.

  3. The Dean may choose one of the following courses of action:

    1. resubmit the Academic Work, or retake the test/exam

    2. receive a reduced grade for the Academic Work

    3. receive a grade of ‘0' for the Academic Work

    4. be involuntarily withdrawn from the course and/or program

    5. be suspended from the program for a specified period of time or permanently

    6. in serious circumstances, be suspended from the College for a specified period of time or permanently

    7. convene an Academic Misconduct Review Panel (the Panel)

    8. another action that may be appropriate to the situation

  4. The Dean communicates the decision, with rationale, and any course of action or outcome, to the student in writing. A copy of the decision is stored in the student's Academic Conduct file.

Academic Misconduct Review Panel

  1. The Dean may decide to convene a Panel consisting of the Dean as Chair, and three additional members, seeking a balance of subject matter experts, students and Instructors.

  2. The Panel arranges for a tribunal to review the material, to hear from all parties involved in the allegation, and to determine the course of action.

  3. The names of Panel members remain confidential and are only provided to participants at the time of the tribunal.

  4. The Chair compiles all relevant information and distributes it to tribunal attendees at least 2 business days prior to the tribunal date.

  5. The tribunal is attended by:

    1. Members of the Panel

    2. The student. The student is expected to fully participate in the tribunal and answer any direct factual questions asked by the Panel.

    3. The relevant Instructor

    4. The relevant Department Head (or designate)

    5. Other persons as indicated below may attend the tribunal:

      1. a support person may accompany the student, Instructor, or Department Head (or designate). The support person may not speak during the tribunal.

      2. Witnesses. The student and/or the Instructor may call in witnesses to the hearing. Witnesses remain outside until called in by the Chair and leave when directed by the Chair.

  6. The Chair conducts the tribunal in a fair and just manner, providing the student, Instructor and Department Head (or designate) with equal opportunity to present the issues from their perspectives, and allowing all participants to ask and answer questions.

  7. Immediately following the tribunal, the Committee deliberates in private and recommends an appropriate course of action. Available courses of action are:

    1. finding that no academic misconduct occurred

    2. academic misconduct did occur and the student will:

      1. resubmit the academic work, or retake the test/exam

      2. receive a reduced grade for the Academic Work

      3. receive a grade of ‘0' for the Academic Work

      4. be involuntarily withdrawn from the course and/or program

      5. be suspended from the program, either permanently or for a specified period of time

      6. another action that may be appropriate to the situation

    3. in serious circumstances a recommendation may be put forward to suspend the student from the College.

  8. With the exception of the student subject to the investigation, all persons who are involved in an investigation or proceeding pertaining to alleged student academic misconduct are expected to treat confidentially any information they receive during the course of the investigation or proceeding.

  1. The Dean communicates the decision, with rationale, and any course of action or outcome to the student in writing. A copy is sent to the Conduct Officer to be included in the student's Academic Conduct file.

  2. The records of tribunals are kept confidential.


  1. Recommendations to suspend a student from a program or the College for an identified period of time, indefinitely, or permanently are submitted to the President by the Vice President, Academic & Research, within 5 days of the communication to the student.

  2. The President renders a decision and notifies the student in writing with rationale, within ten (10) business days from the date of receiving the recommendation. A copy is provided to the Vice President, Academic & Research, and the Program Dean, and the results is included in the Student Academic Conduct file. The time frame of ten (10) business days may be extended by the President if it is determined that the circumstances warrant such an extension.

  3. The President notifies the Board of Governors immediately of all decisions, with reasons, to suspend the student from the College.

Appealing Decisions

  1. Any action or decision made pursuant to this policy can be appealed under either of the following circumstances:

    1. the investigation and/or decision lacked procedural fairness;

    2. there is relevant new information that was not available at the time the decision was made and that may have influenced the outcome.

  2. During an appeal, all College decisions or actions shall remain in full force and effect.

  3. Students have the right to file an appeal of suspension to the Board of Governors. Refer to Student Appeal of Suspension to Board of Governors Policy 320.

  4. A student may file an appeal of the decision of the Dean, other than suspension from the College, to the Education Council. Refer to Appeal to Education Council on Educational Matters Policy 321.

Student Academic Conduct File

  1. Copies of reports, incidents or notices are sent to the Student Conduct and Judicial Affairs office for filing.

  2. The Student Conduct and Judicial Affairs office maintains a record of student Academic Misconduct in accordance with Records Management Policy 520.

See related policy 325
Generated at: 10:54 pm on Aug. 31, 2024