Educational Affiliations Procedures

Procedures Number: 407
Procedures Effective Date: February 10, 2021
Approval Body: Board of Governors with Education Council Jointly
Sponsor: VP Academic



  1. Developing an educational affiliation agreement involves the following three phases:

    1. Exploratory discussions

    2. Developing a memorandum of understanding

    3. Developing an educational affiliation agreement for a specific initiative

  2. A series of resources applicable to educational affiliations are available for internal users on myVCC, including affiliation agreement templates.


  1. Educational affiliation proposals may originate from any member of the College, including but not limited to Instructors, Department Leaders, Deans, or Senior Leadership.

  2. The proposer must first seek approval from the appropriate Dean to enter into exploratory discussions with a potential partner. The Dean and proposer should carefully consider the Principles outlined in the related Policy to ensure that a potential affiliation is aligned with the College's mandate and values.

    1. If the proposed partnership involves international students or programs, approval is also required from the Director of International Education.

    2. If the proposed partnership involves Indigenous students or programs, approval is also required from the Dean of Indigenous Initiatives.

    3. If the proposed partnership involves an applied research project, consultation is also required with the Dean responsible for the Centre of Teaching, Learning & Research.

    4. If the proposed partnership involves significant or unusual student service requirements, consultation is also required with the Associate Vice President, Students & Enrolment Services.

    5. Initial consultations should be held with appropriate department faculty and staff.

  3. The Dean and proposer are responsible for an initial assessment of any risks to the College from the affiliation.

  4. If the exploratory discussions indicate that an affiliation may be beneficial to all partners, the proposer and Dean submit a Decision Note to the appropriate Vice President for review and approval.


  1. In most cases, educational affiliations will require a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the parties. The document outlines the broad objectives and potential scope of activities, and signals the intent to collaborate and develop a formal partnership. It does not create an affiliation agreement with another institution.

  2. Multiple affiliation or other agreements may be developed as the result of one (1) MOU with an organization.

  3. The Vice President, Academic & Research (or delegate) is responsible for developing the MOU with the partner organization. The Vice President, Academic & Research approves the final document for VCC.

  4. The official copy is kept in the office of the Vice President, Academic & Research. A copy of the MOU is sent to the President's Office, Education Council, and the Board of Governors for information.


  1. As individual educational initiatives are developed under an MOU, each initiative should have an educational affiliation agreement outlining the purpose, roles and responsibilities of all partners, governance requirements, and financial/operational terms.

  2. The Vice President, Academic & Research (or delegate) is responsible for developing the affiliation agreement with the partner organization.

  3. The proposed affiliation agreement must be reviewed by relevant faculty, relevant staff, student services, the Registrar's Office, People Services, Financial Services, Safety, Security, Risk and Privacy, and any other relevant parties within the College to ensure that the agreement properly supports students, fits the College's strategic and financial plans, and minimizes risks to students and the College.

  4. Affiliation agreements related to programming will typically include sections on:

    1. Credential or credits awarded or transferred

    2. Internal requirements related to the Office of the Registrar, Institutional Research and Finance

    3. Collective Agreements

    4. Human Resources

    5. Learning Resources including an appropriate level of student services

    6. Marketing and student information

    7. Intellectual property

    8. Occupational safety and security

  5. Affiliation agreements related to applied research will typically include sections on:

    1. Research ethics and review

    2. Collective Agreements

    3. Human Resources

    4. Intellectual property

    5. Occupational safety and security

  6. All affiliation agreements will specify:

    1. Terms for dates of review and renewal

    2. Mechanisms for dispute resolution, non-compliance, and cancelation of agreements


  1. All affiliation agreements must be approved by the Board of Governors.

  2. Depending on the terms of the affiliation, Education Council must either approve the affiliation agreement or provide advice to the Board prior to their decision.

    1. In cases where the agreement determines whether “courses or programs, or course credit, from another institution, university or other body are equivalent to courses or programs, or course credit, at the College” (College and Institute Act, RSBC 1996, c 52 s 25(1)(a)), or the agreement relates to the development of programs, courses, or other curriculum content (s 24(2)), the agreement must be jointly approved by Education Council.

    2. In all other cases, Education Council provides advice to the Board prior to their decision.

  3. Proposed affiliation agreements are sent to the Education Council Office for decision by Education Council. The Education Council Office sends it to the Executive Assistant to the Board for decision by the Board of Governors.

  4. After governance approval, the affiliation agreement is signed by the President or a Vice President, and by an authorized person at the partner organization. The official copy is kept in the office of the Vice President, Academic & Research.


  1. The Vice President, Academic & Research (or delegate) is responsible for reviewing all affiliations at the time of renewal, or no less than once every five years.

  2. The Vice President, Academic & Research provides an annual report to Education Council on all active or recently completed educational affiliations.

See related policy 407
Generated at: 2:06 am on Jan. 15, 2025