Records Management Procedures

Procedures Number: 520
Procedures Effective Date: April 10, 2024
Approval Body: President
Sponsor: VP Academic



Coordinator of Records Management: Responsible for overseeing and implementing the records management program. The Coordinator will provide guidance to record custodians, provide training and support compliance with this policy. They are responsible for preparing, editing and publishing the Records Retention Schedule (RRS).  

College Leadership: Senior Team members, Deans, Directors and Associate Directors are responsible for ensuring that their areas are compliant with the College's records management program and for ensuring compliance with legislated privacy requirements. 

Record Custodians: Every department and unit within the College will designate a record custodian responsible for managing and maintaining records within their respective areas. Record custodians must follow the guidelines outlined in this policy and procedures. Custodians will also make recommendations on the management of records that are specific to their business units to the Coordinator as needed.  


  1. Detailed information about records management is available to all employees in the Records Management website on myVCC.


  1. The Coordinator of Records Management will prepare and publish the Records Retention Schedule (RRS), in consultation with the Director of the Library. The schedule will be in compliance with all legal and legislative requirements. The Coordinator of Records Management will review and update the RRS as needed to remain in compliance.

    1. All retention and disposal schedules that cite provincial or federal legislation as part of their retention rationale will be submitted for legal review to ensure that the schedules meet legislative requirements.

  2. The Retention Schedule defines the office of primary responsibility for all records relating to particular functions or activities in the College. That office is responsible for ensuring the proper creation, retention and disposal of the primary records (e.g. The Registrar's Office is responsible for all student records). Copies made by other individuals or offices are secondary records that can be kept for a period of time to meet their current need but must be disposed of when no longer needed and kept appropriately secure. 


  1. All records must be created with accuracy, completeness and relevance to the business functions of the College.

  2. Employees will file or otherwise organize their College records in a manner that allows access and retrieval of records quickly and easily, when required. Employees will reference the college's Records Retention Schedule when filing.

  3. Employees will follow the approved retention and disposal schedules established for their department's original, official College records. Records that have reached the end of their retention period and have no legal, business, or historical value will be securely and permanently destroyed or deleted. 

  4. Employees may retain duplicate or reference copies (i.e., secondary records, created and maintained by other departments) for as long as needed for reference purposes., but no longer than the retention and disposal schedule established for the original, official record.

  5. Employees will notify their Record Custodian and/or Coordinator of Records Management of any changes to their business processes that would require updating their department's records retention plan.


  1. Employees will adhere to the record retention schedule which outlines the minimum retention periods for various types of records. 

  2. Options for record disposal are provided in the Records Management section of myVCC


  1. Access to records will be restricted to authorized personnel based on their job responsibilities. 

  2. Employees will protect the privacy of individuals by ensuring that records containing personal information are stored securely and are only accessible by those with legitimate need to access the information. 

  3. Electronic records will be managed in compliance with information security and privacy regulations.

  4. The College will implement and maintain appropriate systems and technologies for the secure storage, retrieval and backup of electronic records.

  5. College Leadership will ensure compliance with records management guidelines in their areas for the collection, storage and disposal of College records.

  6. Departments that create or maintain vital records will establish and follow procedures to ensure that such records are protected in the event of a disaster.

  7. Employees who leave the College or change positions will leave all official college records for their successors, subject to approved retention and disposal schedules.


  1. The Coordinator of Records Management will provide training and guidance to employees on records management policy and procedures.

See related policy 520
Generated at: 6:11 pm on Mar. 06, 2025