VCC has developed procedures that apply to the College's email and other electronic communications to ensure they are in compliance with the Canadian Anti-Spam legislation (CASL).
Failure to comply with CASL could result in significant fines to the College, among other things. CASL has administrative monetary penalties of up to $1 million per violation (for individuals) and up to $10 million per violation (for organizations). If a College employee sends an email that contravenes CASL (such as an email without the necessary consent, or an email that does not have the requisite unsubscribe mechanism), the College could be held liable, if the employee was acting within the scope of his or her employment. The employee could also be fined personally.
Following are examples of messages sent by VCC that do fall under the scope of the CASL:
Messages that do not relate to the core activities of VCC may nevertheless be exempted from the CASL. The exemptions are as follows:
Appropriate and Responsible Use Guidelines:
Copyright. Respect the legal protection provided by copyright and license to programs and data. End-Users must respect the legal protection provided by copyright laws for computer programs and data compilations and for all other works (literary, dramatic, artistic or musical). Also, users must respect the legal protection provided by trademark law and the common law for names, marks, logos, and other representations that serve to distinguish the goods or services of one person from another. End-Users must respect the rights of others by complying with all VCC policies regarding intellectual property regardless of medium (i.e. paper or electronic).
Human Rights. Respect the rights of others by complying with all College policies and Collective Agreement provisions regarding sexual, personal and other forms of harassment to individuals, groups or organizations regardless of global location.
Protection of Privacy. Respect the rights of others by preserving the privacy of personal data to which you have access and by not tampering with others' files, tapes, passwords, or accounts, or representing others when messaging or conferencing. This includes confidential student information.
Authorized Use. Use only accounts IDs and communications facilities which you are duly authorized to use and for the purposes for which they were intended.
Integrity of Systems. Respect the integrity of computing systems and data; for example, by not making use of or intentionally developing software programs that harass other users, or infiltrate a computer or computing system, and/or damage or alter the software components of a computer or computing system, or gain unauthorized access to other facilities accessible via the network.
Ethical Use. Use computing and communication facilities in a manner which is consistent with the ethical principles set forth by the College and with accepted community standards. All applicable Canadian Federal, Provincial and Municipal laws and statutes also govern the use of the College's educational and information technology systems and networks.
Laptop Usage. Should you be provided with a College laptop, recognize the additional responsibility this brings in taking particular care of the device. Ensure that you backup your data from the laptop to your network drive. Ensure that you follow the Laptop Appropriate Use Guidelines (see Appendix B).
Use of Instant Messaging, Social Media, Social Networking or Social Software - Any form of instant messaging or social networking (real-time software) and the use of social media whose primary purpose is to facilitate communication between individuals and/or groups who share a common interest is to be done in a manner that adheres to the stated policies for the acceptable use of Appropriate and Responsible Use of Educational and Information Technology systems and data at VCC. All communication through these channels is to be done with integrity and in an ethical manner, with a responsibility to keep VCC systems secure and VCC's reputation intact.
Commercial Use - All use of college technology assets for any business or commercial purposes must be authorized by the college. Unauthorized use is considered a breach of this policy.
Freedom of expression - Users should be aware that, while the College has programs to screen e-mails for viruses, worms etc., its practice is not to control the information available on our campus network.
Personal Mobile Devices - Including but not limited to Laptop's, Tablet's and Smartphones. Use of personal devices is permitted while at VCC. All users must comply with the acceptable use policy and guidelines.
Harassment - All users must comply with the Prevention of Harassment, Discrimination, and Bullying Policy 201.
Examples of illegal uses
The following are representative examples only and do not comprise a comprehensive list of illegal uses:
Examples of unacceptable uses
The following are representative examples only and does not comprise a comprehensive list of unacceptable uses: