The College holds a valid Primary Liquor License with Catering Endorsement which allows for liquor to be served and consumed in the following locations at the College:
JJ's Restaurant at the Downtown campus
The Bistro at the Downtown campus
catered events organized by the College for College guests and/or employees where the location is specified in the Department Event Form
externally hosted events held at the College and where the location is specified in the Rental Agreement. Refer to the Rental of College Facilities Policy and Procedures 140.
The Director, Commercial services or delegate is responsible for:
maintaining the Primary Liquor License
approving or denying all requests for liquor at events
determining if a Special Event Permit is required and obtaining Special Event Permits when necessary
ensuring that designated staff members hold a valid Serving It Right Certificate
providing qualified individuals who hold a valid Service It Right Certificate to serve liquor at functions held by or at the College
ensure any external provider has all necessary licenses and is following all compliance standards
Members of the College community, including visitors and guests, who wish to organize an event on VCC Property at which liquor may be served or consumed must contact the Food Services department.
Requests for the service of liquor at an internally (College) hosted event must be received a minimum of 14 days prior to the event.
Requests for the service of liquor at an externally hosted event being held on VCC property must be received a minimum of 28 days prior to the event.
Events where liquor will be consumed will also have food and non-alcoholic beverages available during the time liquor is served.
For events organized by the College, a Department Event Form is required.
For external events, refer to the Rental of College Facilities Policy 140.