Space Allocation and Room Booking Procedures

Procedures Number: 141
Procedures Effective Date: July 7, 2020
Approval Body: President
Sponsor: VP Administration



  1. The Room Booking coordinators (Room Booking) are responsible for managing and issuing all academic and non-academic bookings.

  2. Use of space is generally prioritized according to academic needs, but may be adjusted to allow flexibility for College operations to function optimally. Space will occasionally be required to accommodate meetings of the Board of Directors, President's Office, Education Council, other governance bodies, and special events.

  3. Requests for rooms should be made on the basis of anticipated enrolment or attendance being equal or greater than 80% of room capacity.

  4. The maximum classroom utilization will not exceed the occupant capacity, as regulated by the fire code.

  5. Facilities Management will organize an inventory of all space and equipment on a regular basis. Classrooms will be inventoried on an annual basis to assess design, features, and suitability for various teaching modes, equipment, computer hardware, software, seating capacity, and disability access.

  6. IT is responsible for providing hardware and software information as requested for the annual inventory, and for updating Room Booking when hardware or software is added, removed or changed in a room.

  7. Only designated individuals may submit requests, both for Academic Bookings and Non-Academic Bookings.

    1. Designated individuals include:

      1. Department Leaders

      2. Department and administrative support personnel

      3. Program Coordinators

      4. Supervisors and other Managers

      5. Other individuals designated by Room Booking, including leadership in the SUVCC, CUPE, FA, etc.


  1. The allocation of space, including office assignment, must be approved by the appropriate Vice President or delegate. Deans, Directors, or Department Leaders will manage specific assignments of already allocated administrative space.


  1. After the Registrar's Office has completed the Academic Schedule, Department Leaders submit requests for classrooms to Room Booking who assigns the most appropriate room available.

  2. Academic bookings will be based on times and dates as listed in Banner.  There needs to be consistency between what is in Banner and the actual times and locations for Academic Bookings to ensure there can be oversight of all College space.

  3. Department Leaders must submit classroom requests to the Room Booking Coordinator by the following dates:

  1. For Winter (January-April) term: October 1st of previous year

  2. For Spring/Summer (May-August) term: February 1st of current year

  3. For Fall (September-December) term: June 1st of current year

  1. For requests submitted after these dates, bookings will be made based on availability of rooms. Reasonable attempts will be made to locate a suitable alternative space if the requested room is not available.

  2. Classrooms are booked for each term or for the course duration.

  3. For occasional additional academic classroom needs, the request is submitted to Room Booking.


  1. For bookings outside the scheduled hours of a course, the request is considered Non-Academic, and is submitted through the EMS Web App. Requests will be accommodated subject to priorities and availability of space.

  2. Request for meeting rooms are made through the EMS Web App.

  3. For large events, contact


  1. Any change requests must be submitted to Room Booking directly and will be reasonably accommodated.

  2. In the event of a dispute over classroom booking, Room Booking will refer the matter to the Registrar or designate, who will consult the Dean(s/Director(s)), Department Leaders, Facilities Management and Room Booking where appropriate.


  1. In exceptional circumstances and with approval by a Vice President, a dedicated classroom can be assigned for long-term use to specific programs. There must be a clear academic rationale for requests of this nature, such as specialized equipment required for program delivery.   


  1. Since classroom space is shared, reconfiguration of classroom space/furniture is permitted only for the duration of an individual class session. Instructors must return a reconfigured classroom to its original configuration at the end of class.

  2. Any long-term reconfiguration of classroom space/furniture that modifies capacity must be pre-approved by Facilities in order to not negatively impact other users.

See related policy 141
Generated at: 7:16 pm on Mar. 06, 2025