Transfer Credit Policy

Policy Number: 317
Policy Effective Date: November 22, 2023
Approval Body: Board of Governors with Education Council Jointly
Sponsor: VP Academic

Context and Purpose

Vancouver Community College (VCC; the College) recognizes that students may have successfully completed course work at another formally recognized educational institution by recognized foreign credential assessment and/or by formal recognition of course equivalency in a VCC approved course outside the program area. Credit for such learning will be formally acknowledged and noted on a student's official academic record.

Scope and Limits

Under the College & Institute Act Section 25(1) joint approval of the Board of Governors and the Education Council is required concerning the following matters: curriculum evaluation for determining whether courses or programs, or course credit, from another institution, university or other body are equivalent to courses or programs or course credits, at the institution, or if courses or programs, or course credits from one part of the institution are equivalent to courses or programs or course credit in another part of the institution.

This policy applies to all prospective and current VCC students requesting equivalency of completed course work.


  1. VCC will, when requested by a student and in accordance with established articulation agreements and/or affiliation agreements and/or foreign credential assessment and/or approved course equivalency in a VCC course outside the program area, grant credit for a course successfully completed.

  2. Students must receive  a passing grade, as equated to the official College grading system, for a course to be considered eligible for transfer and applicable towards the requirements for a College credential. Some programs may require a higher grade than a Pass grade. Where programs establish a higher minimum grade for transfer credit, students will follow the College-approved program guidelines.

  3. The Board of Governors and Education Council delegate authority to the Registrar to direct the evaluation of transfer credit requests that do not fall under the Educational Affiliations policy 407. 

  4. The College will be guided by the Principles and Guidelines for Transfer endorsed by the British Columbia Council on Admissions & Transfer (BCCAT).

  5. Transfer credit in combination with PLAR will not exceed a maximum of 65% of the total credits of a College credential/program. Individual programs may set lower maximum standards. Where programs establish a lower maximum percentage for transfer credit and PLAR, students will follow the College-approved program guidelines.

  6. The awarding of transfer credit(s) may impact a student's course load, time to program completion, full-time program status, and eligibility for financial support, scholarships and awards. Students are strongly advised to contact Financial Aid and Awards prior to submitting a request for transfer credit. International students are strongly advised to contact the Centre for International Education prior to submitting a request for transfer credit.

  7. Courses transferred from another institution are not included in the calculation of the institutional grade point average (GPA). However, the transfer of credits and the transfer of GPA become part of the student's permanent record at VCC.

  8. Currency of the subject matter is taken into account when awarding transfer credit, and decisions will be processed on an individual basis. Coursework completed ten (10) or more years prior is not automatically awarded transfer credit. Program specific limits on the currency of transfer credits may also apply.

  9. Transfer credit used towards a VCC credential must fall within the same credential maximum duration timelines as per VCC Policy C.1.3 Granting of Credentials or the maximum duration timelines approved by Education Council for that credential/program.


BC Transfer Guide
An online list of courses where transfer agreements have been established between post-secondary institutions, both in and outside of BC.
Block Transfer Credit
The granting of a block of credits for the completion of a group of courses or certificate or diploma, which is recognized by the receiving institution, and which can be related in a meaningful way to part of a program.
Certified Translation
Where English is not the official language of instruction, a certified literal English translation of the transcript and course outlines/syllabi sent by the issuing institution or by a certified translator is required.
Course Outline
A curriculum document that contains the essential features of a course, such as: course name and number, credits and hours, course description, prerequisites, course learning outcomes, instructional strategies, and student evaluation methods.
Official Transcript
The record of a student's academic history. To be considered official, transcripts must be in an institutionally sealed envelope and endorsed by the issuing institution or sent via secure electronic delivery by the issuing institution.
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)
A structured method of assessing an
individual's prior learning or experience to award formal credit. Refer to VCC Policy D.3.5 Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition.
Program Content Guide (PCG)
A curriculum document that contains the essential features of a program of study, such as: program name, purpose, number of credits, duration, program learning outcomes, admission requirements, grading system, course list, instructional strategies, evaluation of student learning, and the credential received upon completion.
A document that informs students of the basic elements of a course including topics covered, weekly schedule, list of tests, assignments and readings.
Transfer Credit
The granting of credit for a course successfully completed at another formally recognized educational institution, by recognized foreign credential assessment, and/or by formal recognition of course equivalency in a VCC-approved course outside the program area. Credit for such learning will be formally acknowledged and noted on a student's official transcript.

Related Resources


VCC Policies

Other Resources

See related procedures 317
Generated at: 11:54 pm on Jan. 14, 2025