Selection of Library Materials Policy

Policy Number: 511
Policy Effective Date: January 9, 2018
Approval Body: Board EdCo Advice
Sponsor: VP Academic

Context and Purpose

This policy provides guidelines for decisions on the selection and retention of material by the Vancouver Community College (VCC, the College) Library. The process facilitates the development of a library collection that supports VCC's educational programs, teaching and learning, and applied research activities of its students and instructors.

Scope and Limits

This policy applies to VCC Library employees who select or deselect materials for the VCC Library collection. This policy does not apply to material selected by instructors as readings for courses and required textbook for programs.


  1. Materials selected for inclusion in VCC Library collections will support educational, research, and administrative activities at VCC.

  2. These materials will be in keeping with the Canadian Library Association's Statement on Intellectual Freedom, providing for the widest diversity of views and expression, including those which are unorthodox or unpopular with the majority.

  3. The Library actively consults instructors around the development of the collection that supports delivery of courses, student needs, research, and professional development. Other College employees and students are welcome to make suggestions for materials to be included in the collection.

  4. The Library collections are planned in a systematic way that ensures the best use of allocated funds. It is based on a number of criteria including FTE enrollment of students, core subject requirements, use statistics per subject classification, and available funds.

  5. Ongoing review of Library materials is necessary in order to maintain a collection that is relevant to current users.


All materials in all formats acquired by the VCC Library for the College.
The removal of Library materials from the Library collection (also referred to as “weeding”).
Library Materials
Print and non-print materials collected, processed, and made accessible to users by libraries. They comprise books, periodicals, pamphlets, reports, maps, manuscripts, and all other forms of audiovisual records.

Related Resources

VCC Policies

Other Resources

See related procedures 511
Generated at: 5:20 am on Jul. 27, 2024