Curriculum Development and Approval Policy

Policy Number: 410
Policy Effective Date: December 17, 2024
Approval Body: Education Council
Sponsor: VP Academic

Context and Purpose

Vancouver Community College (VCC; the College) is committed to offering curriculum that is current, relevant, of the highest quality, and evaluated through the governance review process.

This policy guides the development, revision, and approval of all curriculum at the College.

This policy and procedures should be used in concert with the Program Development and Approval Policy (409) where the curriculum development results in new or substantially modified programs and courses leading to programs at the College.

Scope and Limits

This policy applies to all new and revised curriculum at the College.

Education Council is the final approval body for all new and revised curricula. Education Council has established criteria that define certain changes to curriculum as “minor” and has delegated authority to its Curriculum Committee to approve them.


  1. Curriculum at VCC:

    1. is consistent with the College's mission, goals, educational priorities, and plans;

    2. meets the College's standards of excellence;

    3. addresses community and/or industry needs;

    4. supports student success;

    5. promotes accessibility, justice, equity, diversity and inclusion of all learners;

    6. promotes the integration of Indigenous knowledge, perspectives, and ways of being in teaching and learning practices; and

    7. promotes responsible use of College resources.

  2. VCC uses systematic practices and procedures for the development of curriculum that:

    1. enhance enrolment;

    2. improve the student experience;

    3. support operational efficiencies;

    4. engage internal and external parties;

    5. are transparent;

    6. are current and relevant;

    7. comply with relevant VCC policies, procedures, guidelines, and operational standards.

  3. This policy is part of a broader framework designed to strengthen and maintain the quality of programs and courses offered by the College. This includes curriculum development, governance review, annual program review, program renewal, program accreditation, and the Risk, Financial and Quality (RFQ) Program Framework. The purpose is to ensure high quality educational offerings, manage risk to programs, and ensure financial sustainability.

  4. Curriculum development is informed by Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills guidelines, professional and industry association requirements, accreditation bodies and credentialing policies at other postsecondary institutions with which the College may wish to articulate.

  5. The development of international programs is also informed by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada regulations pertaining to international studies.


Concept Paper
A document outlining the rationale and plans related to the development of a new program and substantial revision of an existing program.
The practice of requesting feedback and holding dialogue with relevant individuals, departments and interest groups, and thoughtfully considering input before action is taken or decisions reached.
Course Outline
A curriculum document that contains the essential features of a course, such as: course name and number, credits and hours, course description, prerequisites, course learning outcomes, instructional strategies, student evaluation methods, and evaluation plans.
Curriculum Change
The creation, modification, or elimination of individual courses, and the revision of programs where such change does not result in a change to a program's overall total hours, credits or cost. Curriculum Changes may be classified as major or minor by Education Council.
The planned sequence of instruction for a program or course.
Curriculum Delivery Framework
A set of guidelines that support the effective operationalization of program and course delivery and which is a mechanism designed based on the RFQ Program Framework. The four primary guidelines in the Curriculum Delivery Framework are:
1. Courses start and end dates are compatible with Academic Calendar terms of instruction;
2. Course credit range allocations are between 2 credits and 6 credits;
3. Program per-term credit loads are between 12 credits and 18 credits; and
4. Courses run concurrently within a term of instruction
Curriculum Lead
The Department Leader or instructor responsible for leading the curriculum development work, leading to either Curriculum Change or Program Change.
Degree Quality Assessment Board (DQAB)
An independent advisory board appointed by the Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills that oversees the quality assurance process for degree level education in British Columbia.
Effective Date
The month and year the program/course will first be taught after governance approval.
A prescribed process that identifies who has the primary and/or advisory responsibility for select decisions at various stages of the curriculum approval process. The governance bodies at VCC are the Board of Governors and Education Council.
Post-Secondary Institution Proposal System (PSIPS)
A Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills process that includes a web-based system designed to manage and support the post-secondary submission and review of degree and non-degree diploma programs, or a certificate that leads to a diploma.
Program Change
New program development or revisions to programs related to:

- Total program hours, credits, or cost of the program;
- Program renewal or accreditation recommendations; and
- Program suspension process per Policy 414 Suspension and/or Discontinuance of Programs.
Program Content Guide
A curriculum document that contains the essential features of a program of study, such as: program name, purpose, number of credits, duration, program learning outcomes, admission requirements, grading system, course list, instructional strategies, evaluation of student learning, and the credential received upon completion.
Program/Credential Benchmark Report (PCBR)
A report created by the Dean's office in consultation with the Department leadership and supported by Operations Management that reflects the financial sustainability of a program/credential relative to peer programs offered by public post-secondary institutions (in B.C. and Canada as needed).
RFQ Program Framework
A framework of three pillars of enrolment Risk mitigation, Financial costing, and educational Quality used to analyze program creation, program review and renewal.
Senior Team
The President, Vice Presidents and other senior college leaders as determined by the President.

Related Resources

VCC Policies

Other Resources

See related procedures 410
Generated at: 9:35 pm on Jan. 14, 2025