Indigenous Education Enrolment Policy

Policy Number: 304
Policy Effective Date: November 23, 2022
Approval Body: Board EdCo Advice
Sponsor: VP Students

Context and Purpose

Vancouver Community College (VCC; the College) serves a large number of Indigenous learners and is committed to providing opportunities for Indigenous learners to achieve their academic potential in an environment that advocates full access, participation and success.

This Policy sets out the supports and practices designed to increase and facilitate enrolment of Indigenous learners in programs and courses at the College.

Scope and Limits

This policy applies to all self-identified Indigenous learners of Canada or Canadian descent.


  1. In addition to the full scope of student support services provided by the College, Indigenous learners are provided additional cultural and support services through the Indigenous Education & Community Engagement department (IECE).   

  2. VCC is committed to redressing the underrepresentation of Indigenous learners.

  3. VCC provides opportunities for priority admission and registration in programs and courses for Indigenous learners.

  4. All programs and courses will designate two (2) seats for Indigenous learners.


A series of learning opportunities within a specific subject area with a defined set of learning outcomes, offered under a designated subject code and course number, within a defined time period.
Indigenous Learner
A person who has self-identified as Indigenous from Canada (First Nations, Métis, or Inuit) and has applied to a full-time or part-time credit or non-credit course or program at VCC. This includes self-identified Indigenous employees of the College who have applied to any course or program.
Priority Admission
The period of time that is more than two months before the start of a program, in which applicants are accepted into a program.
Priority Registration
An early and brief registration period that opens two days before the scheduled start date of course registration.
A defined set of courses of instruction leading to a credential.

Related Resources

VCC Policies

Other Resources

See related procedures 304
Generated at: 2:10 am on Jan. 15, 2025