Off-Campus Activity Involving Students Policy

Policy Number: 415
Policy Effective Date: February 13, 2020
Approval Body: President
Sponsor: VP Academic

Context and Purpose

Off-campus activities involving students constitute a valuable and critical component of experiential and lifelong learning and are supported and encouraged by Vancouver Community College (VCC; the College).  

This policy establishes the process for the planning, organizing and oversight of off-campus activity involving students, including the identification, assessment and mitigation of risk.

Scope and Limits

This policy applies to all employees and students of VCC, and to all activities led, supervised and sanctioned by the College.

This policy does not apply to practicum, clinical, co-op or work experience placements, as students participating in these activities are protected by WorkSafe BC regulations.

This policy is informed by all current relevant regulations and legislation.


  1. VCC encourages and supports off-campus activities that provide clear benefits to students, and that are planned, approved and administered in a way that minimizes risk and promotes activity preparedness, safety and the well-being of all participants.

  2. VCC respects the expertise of employees when tailoring off-campus activities to meet the goals of a course, program or project offered by the College.

  3. Primary responsibility and accountability for meeting the College's requirements for the safety of all participants during an off-campus activity are delegated by the Responsible Administrator to those in positions of authority closest to the activity, often the Group Leader(s).

  4. All participants in an off-campus activity have a responsibility to familiarize themselves with the risks of the activity and to make informed decisions concerning their participation.

  5. All participants have a responsibility to prepare themselves in advance of an off-campus activity, and to conduct themselves in a safe manner while engaging in off-campus activities.

  6. An Off-campus Activity Plan, including a Risk Assessment, must be completed for every VCC sanctioned off-campus activity involving students.

  7. An off-campus activity will not be approved if risks to students and/or employee safety have not been satisfactorily addressed.

  8. An off-campus activity may be cancelled at any time if the Group Leader(s) or Responsible Administrator believes that risks to student and/or employee safety are, or have become, unacceptable.

  9. Off-campus activities should be designed with accessibility and inclusivity in mind.

  10. Off-campus activities should be consistent with curriculum and other learning outcomes.


An individual who is currently employed by VCC on a full-time, part-time, permanent, temporary, term, casual or contract basis.
Group Leader
A College employee who is responsible for planning and administering an off-campus activity.
Off-campus Activity
Any activity involving students in which at least part of the activity occurs off-campus. This includes field trips, field schools, research, student exchanges, conferences, seminars, performances and extra-curricular activities that involve the formal representation of the College by student representatives.
Off-campus Activity Plan
A document that provides planning and preparation details related to the activity, and serves as the official record of an off-campus activity. The plan will include the names and contact information for participants and an emergency contact.
Responsible Administrator
The President, relevant Vice President, Dean, Director or Manager.
Risk Assessment Guide
A document that the Group Leader(s) and Responsible Administrator use to assess and approve the overall level of risk of an off-campus activity.

Related Resources


VCC Policies

Other Resources

  • Risk Assessment Guide

  • WorkSafe BC

  • Westray Bill – Amendments to the Criminal Code Affecting the Criminal Liability of Organizations

See related procedures 415
Generated at: 12:07 pm on Jan. 02, 2025