Program Review and Renewal Policy

Policy Number: 403
Policy Effective Date: November 27, 2019
Approval Body: Board EdCo Advice
Sponsor: VP Academic

Context and Purpose

Vancouver Community College (VCC; the College) is dedicated to providing high quality programming that leads to success in a student's chosen pathway. The College has quality assurance processes that are designed to strengthen and maintain its programs; these include governance review, yearly review, in-depth renewal, and short- and long-term planning activities. This policy guides two parts: Program Review and Program Renewal.  

Under Section 23(1) of the College & Institute Act, Education Council must advise the Board, and the Board must seek advice from Education Council, on the development of educational policy for the following matters (f) of evaluation of programs and educational services.

Scope and Limits

This policy applies to all College programs that lead to a credential approved by the Board of Governors.

The assessment of program quality is based on meeting applicable national, provincial, or discipline/professional standards, and meeting the quality assurance requirements as established by the provincial government.

Some programs are required to conduct reviews by external accrediting bodies. Where elements of the external review are consistent with College requirements for Program Renewal, the external accreditation process can be used in place of a Program Renewal, either fully or in part. Results from accreditation processes will be reported in the same manner as internal Program Renewals.

Program Review and Renewal does not address the performance evaluation of personnel, which is appropriately carried out through the established procedures of relevant collective agreements.


  1. VCC ensures that all of its programs are current, relevant and of the highest quality by conducting Program Reviews and Program Renewals.

  2. The activities are guided by the College's mandate, values, mission, and integrated plans. Recommendations and action plans are integrated into department and College-wide strategic and budget plans.

  3. Program Reviews are conducted annually and are completed collaboratively by departments. The focus is the current state of the program, and planning for continuous improvement. Action plans are developed within the context of the department's ability to complete tasks.

  4. Program Renewals are comprehensive, forward-looking, and formative, building from the findings and action plans developed during the annual Program Reviews. They are collaborative, inclusive, and transparent processes. They provide the opportunity for consultation with relevant parties, including faculty/instructors, support staff, administrators, current students, past students and graduates, industry and community representatives, and employers. 

  5. Program Review and Renewal are evidence-informed, and address a wide range of criteria and all aspects of the learning environment.

  6. Activities are reasonable in scope, and depend on the size of the department and the resources/supports available.

  7. Program Review and Renewal are relevant and meaningful for the specific program, and allow flexibility to accommodate particular program circumstances.


The process whereby the College demonstrates to an external regulatory body that a set of professional criteria have been met.
Education Quality Committee (EQC)
A standing committee of Education Council tasked with supporting the educational quality of the College by ensuring that College programs are regularly reviewed.
Program Renewal
A reflective, in-depth formative assessment of a program, with input from internal and external reviewers, for the purpose of improving educational quality and the student experience.
Program Review
An annual assessment of select key performance indicators that assists a program in monitoring the state of teaching and learning, and addressing issues and opportunities in a continual and timely manner.
Quality Assurance
A framework of processes and activities designed to strengthen and maintain program excellence and the student experience.

Related Resources

VCC Policies

Other Resources

See related procedures 403
Generated at: 7:54 pm on Jan. 02, 2025