Assignment of Credit to Courses Policy

Policy Number: 413
Policy Effective Date: June 11, 2019
Approval Body: Education Council
Sponsor: VP Academic

Context and Purpose

This policy establishes standards and principles for a systematic approach to assigning credit to courses at Vancouver Community College (VCC; the College).

The traditional academic model for assigning credits assumes that lecture or seminar-based courses require a 1:2 ratio of class time to outside-of-class time.  In this model, a credit is typically calculated based on one hour of class time and two hours of outside-of-class time over a 15 week semester, equalling one credit for 15 hours of in-class time.

Many courses at VCC contain more than one instructional format or have different ratios of class time to outside-of-class time.  Therefore, credits are not always determined solely by the number of class hours.  Instead, credits may be based on an equivalent total amount of learning time (including class time and outside-of-class time).

Scope and Limits

This policy applies to all courses offered for credit taught at VCC, including those in Continuing Studies.


  1. Hours assigned for a course are selected to best support student success.

  2. The assignment of credits should be a fair measure of learning outcomes and the effort required to master the learning outcomes.

  3. Education Council approves all assigned credits during the curriculum approval process. 

  4. Class hours will be listed in four categories:

    1. Lecture, Seminar, Online

    2. Instructor-led Lab, Clinical, Shop, Kitchen, Studio, Simulation, Tutorial, Rehearsal

    3. Practicum, Preceptorship

    4. Self-paced, Directed Studies, Independent Studies

  5. The assignment of credits to courses supports students transferring credits from another institution into VCC as well as students and graduates transferring credits to other post-secondary institutions.


A series of learning opportunities within a specific subject area with a defined set of learning outcomes, offered under a designated subject code and course number, within a defined time period.
Course Credit
A numeric value assigned to a course, based on the total amount of learning time, indicating the course's weight relative to courses across the College and to other post-secondary institutions.

Related Resources

VCC Policies

See related procedures 413
Generated at: 11:06 pm on Jan. 14, 2025