Records Management Policy

Policy Number: 520
Policy Effective Date: April 10, 2024
Approval Body: President
Sponsor: VP Academic

Context and Purpose

Vancouver Community College (VCC; the College) has legislative, financial, and legal obligations as a public institution to manage its records and information in a systematic and consistent manner. This policy establishes procedures for the creation, maintenance and disposition of records in a manner that meets those obligations.

Scope and Limits

This policy applies to all records created, received and maintained by the College, including both physical and electronic formats.

This policy does not apply to:

  1. published or copyrightable materials as defined in collective agreements

  2. published or copyrightable materials produced in support of College business functions by non-teaching employees.


  1. The College will adhere to all relevant laws and regulations governing records management in British Columbia.  

  2. The College protects personal privacy by ensuring only authorized collection, use and disclosure of personal information in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act 

  3. Each employee is responsible for managing College records in a responsible and professional manner.

  4. The Director of the Library is the final authority for approval of all retention and disposition schedules.

  5. Retention periods for College records are based on legal requirements, industry best practices, and College capacity.

  6. Records relating to the same subject or business process will be managed as a consistent whole, regardless of format or location, and be accessible during their lifecycle.

  7. The College, through its records management program, will ensure that employees have the resources, training, and procedures they need to fulfil their responsibilities effectively. 

  8. VCC is committed to the stewardship of VCC records that have enduring historical or other value that warrant continued preservation, including making records available in public programming activities and for research.


Archival Record
A record that has been appraised as having permanent administrative, financial, legal, operational, cultural, social or historical value.
Contact Information
Information to enable an individual at a place of business to be contacted and includes the name, position name or title, business telephone number, business address, business email or business fax number of the individual.
Official College Records
All records created or received by College employees in the course of their duties on behalf of the College and retained to meet business, legal, financial, legislative and other needs. For the purposes of implementing this policy, the definition of official college records excludes books and other published materials and copyrighted or copyrightable materials. Official college records may be in the form of paper, non-paper-based media such as microfilm, CD-ROM and audio or video tape and electronic media such as e-mail, word processing, spreadsheet and presentation documents, digital images of paper or microfilm stored in a records and document management system, databases and websites.
Personal Information
Recorded information about an identifiable individual other than contact information. Personal information may include someone's name, personal information, personal address, personal telephone number, race, origin, colour, political or religious beliefs, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital or family status, and any identifying number or symbol assigned to a College member. This list is not exhaustive and may include other information that enables identification.
Primary Record
The official copy of the record and is generally stored in a secure place.
Information (in paper, audio, electronic, or other formats) created or received by employees and representatives of the College in the course of their work that must be retained to meet the ongoing operational, fiscal, historical and legal needs of the College. These records are the property of the College and subject to its overall control.
Records Management Program
Activities such as implementing filing systems, establishing retention and disposal schedules, protecting vital records and preserving archival records. Records management policies and procedures, technologies, and other administrative controls applied to the records and information that employees use to support their business operations and processes, and that are required to protect legal interests and fulfil legislative obligations.
Records Retention Schedule
Defined, specific time periods for keeping records in the office (the active phase), for maintaining records in storage (the semi-active phase), and determining their final disposition (destruction or indefinite archival preservation). The Records Retention Schedule is an inventory of VCC records identified by each department as essential to College operations.
Secondary Record
A copy of the primary record and may be stored by departments for convenience for a period of time that meets their current access needs, but no longer.
Vital Records
Records considered essential to the College's continuing or resuming its operations in the event of a disaster. A record is vital when it would be required to resume or continue College business, supports the College's legal or financial position or is made vital by regulation or statute.

Related Resources

VCC Policies

Other Resources

See related procedures 520
Generated at: 6:30 pm on Mar. 06, 2025