Space Allocation and Room Booking Policy

Policy Number: 141
Policy Effective Date: July 7, 2020
Approval Body: President
Sponsor: VP Administration

Context and Purpose

As space is a valuable and finite resource for teaching and learning, this policy outlines the priorities and objectives for allocating space in a way that best serves Vancouver Community College's (VCC; the College) mission, mandate and values, and supports its educational and operational goals. The College has the responsibility to effectively and efficiently manage its facilities, including room booking, space management, and safety and security management.

Scope and Limits

This Policy applies to all employees of the College, members of the Board of Governors, and individuals associated with and/or working on behalf of the College, including the Students' Union of Vancouver Community College (SUVCC).

The Policy applies to space owned or leased by the College. The rental of VCC facilities is covered under Rental of College Facilities Policy 140.


  1. The academic mission of the College is the highest priority in the allocation and use of space. Allocation of space will be based on the following principles:

    1. Student centred - designed to meet the needs of the students and support teaching and learning processes.

    2. Accessibility - ensuring reasonable accommodations for students and employees with disabilities.

    3. Responsiveness - providing accurate and timely information.

    4. Fiscal responsibility - maximizing the usefulness of resources.

    5. Efficiency - improving automation and integration of activities.

  2. Space is allocated using processes and procedures consistent with best practices in postsecondary facilities management. Processes will be collaborative and every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate requests for space.

  3. The allocation of space supports the practices and the long-term planning decisions of the College.

  4. All space, including instructional space, is a shared College resource. The College does not allocate space permanently.  Any owned or leased building space can be re-allocated to meet VCC's changing strategic priorities, functional needs, or commitments.


Academic Bookings
Any booking request that has an active Course Reference Number (CRN) related to the delivery of course contact hours.
Academic Schedule
A complete listing of all scheduled classes to be taught within an academic term, including dates, days, times, and any additional details required to set up student registration.
Department Leader
A faculty member who is a Department Head, Assistant Department Head, Coordinator I, or Coordinator II.
General Classroom
A room or space where students are taught that contains, at a minimum, tables, chairs, a computer, and a projector.
Non-Academic Bookings
Any booking request that does not represent course contact hours, including but not limited to drop in sessions and employee meetings.
Non-Classroom Space
Areas of the College that include but is not limited to any designated meeting room, office, storage, or common area.
Space Allocation
The process of placing schools, departments, service and administrative areas within the College's current space. The assignment of any space to an area is temporary and can be reassigned as required. All rooms and space are a College resource and do not belong to an individual school or program.
Specialized Classroom
A room or space where students are taught that contains specialized equipment required for course delivery.

Related Resources

VCC Policies

See related procedures 141
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