Selection of Administrators Policy

Policy Number: 204
Policy Effective Date: February 18, 2015
Approval Body: Board of Governors
Sponsor: President

Context and Purpose

To inform college members of how administrators are selected.

Scope and Limits

This Policy applies to:

a. Applicants for administrator positions.


  1. The President is responsible for the hiring of administrators and normally will follow an open process of posting and establishing a recommendation committee. In unusual circumstances direct appointments may be made.

  2. The President will report to the board regarding the appointment of individuals to senior leadership positions.

  3. The President or delegate will determine the method of recruitment and composition of the recommendation committee.

  4. The recommendation committee recommends their selected candidate to the President for final approval.


Related Resources

See related procedures 204
Generated at: 6:25 am on Jul. 27, 2024